Who's The Thief?????

"When you give people what you don’t have, you make them a thief!"....Ouch!!!

Iyanla Vanzant got my life ALL the way together with this quote! 

So often instead of saying "no", or "not now", or "I don't want to", we say yes, and we give time, and even energy that we don't have. Then in turn, those people end up depleting us, and we get upset and hold grudges, most times secret grudges, smh. Seems like a never ending cycle huh?

Ever think that if you were honest, to both yourself and the other party, that they would understand, and actually be ok with it? Even if they weren't ok with your decision, you would be, because you honored your own self and your truth. Ever think that YOU not being your true self, and honoring your feelings makes them thieves against their will? "WOW" is what I said when I first pondered that!

Sometimes looking at things from a different light, from a different perspective, is what we need to do to challenge our norm. Who are you making a thief? Do they even know? Stop making people thieves, honor your truth!

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